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  • Writer's pictureKristin Eaton

2020 Reflection

Hi everyone. I took the last 2 months off from posting on social media. 2020 was a challenging year for all of us. More than anything I just wanted to hug everyone and somehow reassure everyone that we would eventually get through this together with peace, love and greater understanding. I have been off the grid because I felt 2020 was actually a gift of time for us to go inward, to look deep inside ourselves so that we could understand each other better. I love this life & I love you. This was my first newsletter for 2021.

Kristin Eaton Yoga January 2021 " I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way, we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value." ~ Herman Hesse, Siddartha

Last night I found myself contemplating the "new year" that would start today. While I get the whole "New Year" is this nostalgic event, this year I couldn't help be a little cynical. We were not going to magically wake up today and have things be radically different. Every day is a new day and what we do today, is what matters most. Not the waiting of a new year to begin, or a next time, or another time. All we have is now. What we do now has a profound impact on our tomorrows. 2020 has been given the title of "Worst Year Ever". Yes, a great deal of what happened this year, for a lack of better words, totally sucked. I believe we were all met with some level of suffering. However, let us be reminded, suffering happens whether we are in a pandemic or not. Suffering is a part of human existence. I am certain there are many people who would say a different year of their lifetime was their worst year ever. Everything is relative. Our life is what we make it. The lens which we see our world is our choice. I for one found this year as a marvelous invitation to be curious, question, listen so to understand, and to grow while treating others with kindness. 2020 was an invitation to slow down and pay closer attention to what and who truly matters most in our lives. All my life I have heard people say how they wish they had more time. Oh if life could just slow down. People wanted their own personal pause button. Well, 2020 gave us that pause button, an opportunity to remove the unnecessary clutter in our lives and in our minds so that the necessary could shine through, speak and be appreciated more. We all did the best we could. I imagine that every day our version of best was different because we are human. We are not perfect. May we continue to live each day mindful of what is to be valued, cherished, paid attention to, cared for, nourished, nurtured and loved. It is then our responsibility to go out into the world serving others with our compassion, kindness and grace. Tomorrow does not change anything. Today does. Now does. What do you wish to do? How do you wish to touch the lives of others right now? How do you wish to contribute to the greater good of humanity right now? If today was your last day here on this adventure we know as life , how would you want to be remembered? We have today. We are not promised tomorrow or next week or next year. We have this moment. Let us live it well, with integrity, decency, kindness and love. You can sprinkle a little silly in there too. I find a good sense of humor can get us through any challenge. : ) Life is to be lived right here and now, in this present moment. Seize the day & treat people with kindness. Happy New Year everyone! I leave you with this: " You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. Hopefully your choices come from a deep sense of who you are." ~ Fred Rogers Have fun choosing!!!! Much love to all of you! Be Safe, and be well. Be silly too!!!

Blessings to Everyone. May much love & light shine upon us all today and everyday. oxoxoxo Kristin

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