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  • Writer's pictureKristin Eaton

This Magical Life

If you open your heart to magic, you can be open to all of the subtle awesome beauty of the world. This is why you should perhaps take the time to read these quotes about magic: a little softening of your perspective could mean the difference between trudging through life or enjoying the adventure. Magic isn’t a far-fetched reality; it is a change of heart.

“Come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned.” — J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

"When time is my enemy, there's no room for magic. When I stop fretting about how much time I “don’t have” to do everything, space suddenly opens up for everything—and then some. I get more done than I had planned, I enjoy it, I feel spacious inside… I can’t express how lovely that feels for me."

"To me, magic is unplanned time and watching beauty spring up from the space that’s made. I feel more. I see more. I live more."

"Present and peaceful, I start to see magic in so many places…"

For instance, just think about this, We live on an extraordinary blue-and-green planet that lets us look into the sky we’re spinning through, up at stars we share common nature with…

I've learned a whole lot more about the light by being in the darkness than I ever have by staying in the light. I have lost myself and found myself in the same place.

I've lost people I love, and then I sit in awe as I watch that relationship continue to grow. Maybe life really is in the heart, really does continue on, even if our eyes and hands can’t reach out to touch it.

I have no idea where certain pieces I've written have come from.

Fairy tales and poetry spring from the hearts and minds of those who are bold enough to dance with the possibility of magic.

What I’ve found is that, just by opening myself up to the edges of the unknown, I return to what I think I know, changed—just enough to see how the ordinary is touched with beauty and grace and wonder that wasn’t there before, because I wasn’t there. Oh what a magical adventure to be grateful for. I love this life. I hope you do too.

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